> — Cocopjojo @ 9:42 pm

The fifth installment of Hindsight: Halo 3 has gone up. The Storm is an epic level, with the perfect mix of on-foot and vehicle encounters. Cortana makes her return, we have our first battle with a Scarab and we finally reach, and pass, the events seen in the Halo 3 Announcement Trailer. Hit the link below to be taken to the Hindsight page, where you can find this article and its addendum.
> — Vociferous @ 6:20 am

The Spartan soldier walked down the confined, iron corridors of The Pillar of Autumn, his shoulders set at an angle and his assault rifle’s prow aimed into the dark recesses. What was once a well-lit hallway which led to the barracks was now a blackened fog of smoke and ash – destruction plastered on the walls and charred human remains on the floor.
This was the residue of the Covenant. They had come this way.
> — Vociferous @ 6:36 pm

Wait, I thought you were done with the terminals? What’s this all about?
Well, to the point: Visuals.