> — Cocopjojo @ 1:32 pm

Hindsight: Halo 3’s seventh installment, The Ark, has been made available for viewing. The Ark is arguably one of the Halo trilogy’s most intensely epic stages, due to its grandiose environments and large-scale vehicle encounters.
Click the link below to be taken to the Hindsight: Halo 3 page.
> — Vociferous @ 5:20 pm

Hello all! Thank you for being patient with us over our busy summer!
We’ve got some exciting content en route and set for arrival very soon. Content which includes a continuation of the highly-lauded “Hindsight: Halo 3” series, as the Master Chief makes his way to the Ark, and the conclusion to the “Architecture of War” series on encounters, how they’re made and what makes them so important to Halo – if you have yet to read either, feel free to get caught up by accessing them on the table to your right.
While waiting for these pieces, don’t hesitate to visit our Gallery, where you’ll find that we’ve updated it with a “Campaign Moments” section. These shots follow various encounters and events during the campaign of Halo 3. Some of the images (available untouched and in high-resolution by clicking on them) are from previous articles and others are brand new – we hope you enjoy and once again, thanks for being patient!
Campaign Moments…
> — Vociferous @ 12:01 am
> — Vociferous @ 12:50 pm

Continuing to look at the underlying potency of Halo’s encounters – this time around, the sandbox…
> — Vociferous @ 9:01 am

Discussing the encounters of the Halo trilogy…
> — Cocopjojo @ 6:59 pm

Hindsight: Halo 3’s sixth installment, Floodgate, is now available for your perusal. Floodgate may be one of the shortest levels in the game, time-wise, but it’s one of the richest when it comes to Halo’s story: the Flood have reached Earth, Cortana may be with them, and the Sangheili arrive and proclaim themselves as your allies. Click the link below to be taken to the Hindsight: Halo 3 page, where you can find Floodgate and its addendum, as well as the rest of the levels’ articles.
> — Vociferous @ 8:44 pm

A speculative look at the mysterious third element of the Forerunner equation…
> — Cocopjojo @ 9:42 pm

The fifth installment of Hindsight: Halo 3 has gone up. The Storm is an epic level, with the perfect mix of on-foot and vehicle encounters. Cortana makes her return, we have our first battle with a Scarab and we finally reach, and pass, the events seen in the Halo 3 Announcement Trailer. Hit the link below to be taken to the Hindsight page, where you can find this article and its addendum.
> — Vociferous @ 6:20 am

The Spartan soldier walked down the confined, iron corridors of The Pillar of Autumn, his shoulders set at an angle and his assault rifle’s prow aimed into the dark recesses. What was once a well-lit hallway which led to the barracks was now a blackened fog of smoke and ash – destruction plastered on the walls and charred human remains on the floor.
This was the residue of the Covenant. They had come this way.
> — Vociferous @ 6:36 pm

Wait, I thought you were done with the terminals? What’s this all about?
Well, to the point: Visuals.