November 4, 2008

Cortana Addendum

> — Cocopjojo @ 3:18 am

Download the single-player Legendary saved film: File Share [slot 9] (16:08 in length)

Gameplay Tips

This level is definitely one of the most difficult in the game on Legendary, due to its tight corridors, vast amounts of Flood, and those extremely annoying Flood Pure Forms that have ranged attacks.  But if you play your cards right, it can also be one of the shortest.  Your best bet is going to be a mix of running and hiding.  You’ll also need to make good use of equipment to help you stay alive.  With a little trial-and-error, and a lot of luck, you can persevere.

The Flood

  • Luckily, the game starts you with a shotgun.  You can find a sword in the second “room” that you enter, but I’d recommend sticking with your assault rifle as a secondary weapon – you need something at least semi-long range, until you can get a BR or Carbine.
  • The Flood don’t attack for a bit… be sure to be on the look out for grenades as you make your way forward.  You should be able to pick up a few.
  • When you reach the room where the Flood spawn, move forward enough to trigger them, and then fall back to a place that you can defend from, killing as many as you can as you retreat.  Use your AR to keep them from getting close, but when they do, pull out your shotgun/sword to take them out quickly.  Watch your radar, so that you can be sure that you aren’t being snuck up on.
  • Once you reach the top of the ridge, make a beeline to your left (try and grab the Deployable Cover if you see it) – typically, the Flood won’t follow you outside and into the Pelican.  You can find a rocket launcher, shotgun ammo, and some frag grenades out here.  I would definitely pick up the rockets and save them for later.
  • Moving back inside, take out any enemies that are close by – throw a frag, and then run back to the Pelican to refill if you have to.
  • Once you’ve taken down any enemies nearby, you can usually run past the rest, and through the doorway.  They won’t follow you.  Drop the Deployable Cover if you need to, to cover your escape.


  • You’ll reach a room with a lot of ammunition and grenades.  Stock up, but be prepared for the bodies in the room to come to life.  You can usually take them out one-by-one without them posing too large of a threat – you just have to be ready for them.
  • You have a few options as to getting through the assault carrier bridge room – I’ve developed a strategy that involves running to the middle, grabbing the cloak, and leaping over a few enemies to reach the other side.  This takes some practice, and it definitely does not always work.
  • Alternatively, you can hug the left wall and move into a small corridor – but be warned: you will burn through ammunition and grenades trying to fend off and clear out the enemies in the room before you can move on.  Try not to use your rockets in here – you’ll need them more later.
  • There are three cloaks in this room, as well as a Hammer down below.
  • Whichever strategy you use, be sure and pick up a cloak.


  • There is a small corridor in which you’ll run into a few Carrier forms and a Pure Form or two – take them out and keep moving.
  • When you reach the more open hallway (and Cortana mentions her “mother’s shadow”), I recommend booking it down the corridor, straight toward the enemies.  Make it as far as you can and then deploy your cloak.  Don’t wait until you’re one hit away from being dead, since it takes a second to deploy.  And don’t do it while you’re under heavy fire, since you’ll decloak if hit by any projectiles that were fired before you used it.  That will cause you to decloak, and you’ll get hit again, creating a loop of getting hit and decloaking that will end up with you dead.  Also be sure not to actually touch any enemies, as they’ll swing at you, even if you’re cloaked.  And if they hit you, you decloak.
  • When you reach the end of the hallway, keep running, even if you’re getting attacked.  You’ll reach a Gravemind sequence that will cause the enemies to stop firing on you.


  • The key to making it through this area is learning the layout.  Go into it on an easier difficulty setting and just walk around, if you have to.  Or, trial-and-error your way through it on Legendary.
  • When you first enter the area, there’s a Covenant platform resting against a wall on your right.  You can use this to hop up to the next level.  Take a right and hug the wall.  You’ll reach a tunnel with two cloaks.  Grab one and hug the left wall.  Follow it around until you reach the sword tunnel.  Immediately after emerging from there, you need to take a left and hop up to where the Brute Shot is resting, and then double backwards, and into a tunnel that runs directly above the sword tunnel that you were just in.  Okay, it’s confusing, so you should really just try it for yourself.  This is just the best route I’ve found to reach the top.  Once you’ve hopped up at the Brute Shot ledge, and doubled back above the sword tunnel (jumping over the gap), then you can just hug the left wall until you reach the top, taking out any enemies from a tunnel.
  • The trick here is speed.  Do it as fast as you can and the enemies won’t have a chance to get a lock on you.  Deploy one of the cloaks you found in here if you need to.  You can do it the old-fashioned way, stopping to take out enemies, but you’ll often get killed hiding in the tunnel, or while peeking out to take potshots at the ranged attackers.
  • The room with the explosions is usually pretty easy. I can typically run through the entire room without losing half of my shields. Just run and be sure you know where you’re going.


  • The second time through the engine room is not so easy.  The strategy that works best for me is this: head to your left to pick up a cloak.  Then make a run straight for the center platform, where you’ll need to activate a control panel.  Once triggered, continue heading forward – try your best not to have to use your cloak.  It will be really helpful later on.  Take cover behind the display panel to your right; be sure to take out any approaching enemies.
  • This is where your rockets come in handy.  Wait for the pylons to lower and then take them out one-by-one.  One rocket a piece will do the trick.  If you don’t have any rockets, then a couple of Brute Shot grenades will do it – or simply grenades themselves.  But you’ll probably have to leave your cover to do it this way.  After you’ve taken them out, wait a moment… the door next to you will open, providing you an escape.
  • The entirety of the rest of the level should be able to be completed by running.  The area that you drop into after the engine room may require you to take out a few enemies upon arriving.  But there are beam-like structures that you can hop on, allowing you to stay above most of the action.
  • The hard part is the assault carrier room, since a large group of enemies pour out of the exact place that you’re trying to get into.  This is where your cloak would be very useful.  If you don’t have a cloak, then just do your best… you can sometimes make it through by running, but not often.  You’ll probably have to find cover somewhere and let the enemies come to you.
  • After the assault carrier room, the rest of the level is a breeze.  Take out any enemies you can while still moving; don’t stop.  Be sure to dodge any Carrier forms.
  • Once you reach the Arbiter’s room, you’re in the clear.  Just head past him and toward the Pelican.

1 Comment

  1. Cocopjojo on your actual hindsight you should mention that the phantom drops off elites on floodgate. Which go into the crashed flood ship which will explain all the corpses inside. Oh and thanks this helped a lot I would never have noticed that cloak and have done this level many times now I used to hate this level more than that guy on warthog training on youtube singing happy juice it is funny though and you should do a hind sight for halo 1 and 2.ODST is coming out on 22nd of september what you’ve done has truly inspired me and makes me want you to do halo 1 and two’s hindsight.


    Comment by lolololololololololol — September 14, 2009 @ 3:40 am